Thursday, April 21, 2011

The adventures don't stop

So Monday evening I promised more wedding fun, "tomorrow," which was Tuesday. Well, now its Thursday and there hasn't been any more wedding fun! I don't really have a good excuse, other than the adventures don't stop.

Tuesday we were just exhausted still from the crazy weekend and then grocery shopping after work on Monday night. When things are so crazy, I just don't feel like getting the computer out at night. So I promised myself I'd get the conclusion of the wedding festivities uploaded on Wednesday...

But then Wednesday morning came and I went to get Allie up to find she had puked in the crib. An emergency bath was in order, but she seemed fine, no temperature or anything. We took her to daycare without giving her breakfast. Bridget said she didn't eat too well during the day and had spit up a bit too.

So we packed her in the car to go home and she looked a little off but still seemed fine. And I suppose she was fine... until the rapid fire projectile vomiting that ensued when we were less than 5 minutes from home.

Oh wow that was disgusting. I had to open my window wide and stick my head out for fear that I'd projectile vomit as well. The smell was sooooo pungeant. The poor kid wimpered a bit during the incident and after, but then smiled at us and again, the fine mood returned!

Luckily we were close to home when this happened. We parked on the street and left the car windows open for awhile. I ran in and got some towels to try and clean Allie up a little bit to take her out of the car and up to the bathroom for her second bath of the day. The results of the pukefest were all over her, her clothes, her coat, the carseat and the seat in the car! Yuck!

First thing was first, we got Allie cleaned up and bathed. I called the doctor as we were pretty freaked out by the whole thing. The doctor just said it was most likely viral and to give her clear liquids that night and told me the reasons we'd want to bring her in. Once we got Allie settled with a glass of apple juice diluted with water, laundry was started and Dada went out the scrub the car down. Luckily the open windows and the resolve took care of the smell. Later once Allie went to bed, Mama got the task of cleaning the car seat. I never want to do that again. It took a long time and there were a few nooks and crannies where I couldn't clean. The straps are still gross. The smell is still there, but luckily just when you're up close. I guess we'll have to see how it all smells as the car warmed up today... Allie did go to daycare because she did not puke again overnight. We haven't heard from Bridget, so hopefully that means there have been no further incidents.

So thats my excuse for not posting with punctuality. The things we learned from this incident are: 1) I hope I never have to deal with projectile vomit ever again. and 2) We figured out how to put the car seat in the car on the first try! Every time we've taken the seat out and had to put it back in, its been like an hour-long venture. So at least we have that.

Today is my Friday as I have a furlough tomorrow. So rest assured loyal readers, the wedding fun will be posted before the weekend is out. And I also have a few other fun things to post as well. Then there will be Easter fun this weekend!

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