Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surprise tooth

Last night, Doug and I noticed a new spot of white in Allie's mouth and thought it was a new tooth getting ready to cut. Well it turns out its a new tooth that not only had cut through, it was already a pretty decent size. That one sure worked fast because neither of us noticed it earlier in the day! Another surprise about this tooth is that it wasn't the one we thought would cut next. Allie has two bottom teeth and now two top teeth. But the top teeth aren't the middle two, they're the right, and then the one on the other side of the middle. But that one that's skipped is coming through soon because we do see the white of that one getting ready to make an appearance.

Just like her other top tooth, this new one was a surprise. I'm glad to note that teething hasn't been a problem for Allie at all. A few times we've had to give her some baby ibuprofin to help her feel better.

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