Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Active baby in there

I've been feeling the baby move for about three weeks now. It felt like muscle twitches at first and I only felt it at night when I was sitting still. As time has gone on I've felt the movement more frequently, even some times when I'm in the car or walking. Lately the movements have felt more like kicks. I've been feeling them the most at night as we're going to bed. Its so exciting to feel!

Tonight since dinner, baby has been really active! Kicking pretty constantly for almost an hour and a half now. And some of the kicks have been harder. Doug has even been able to feel some of the kicks too. Its quite an experience to feel something inside me kicking and moving around.

I don't know if baby really is more active after dinner or before I go to sleep, or if that's just when I feel it the most. I know the movement will get harder and more frequent as time goes on.

We're almost halfway through this adventure! I reach 19 weeks tomorrow. Next Thursday is the ultrasound and I can't wait.

Things are starting to get a little uncomfortable though. Over the weekend, baby started pressing on my bladder, which is making things a bit awkward at times. I also have started sleeping on my side too. I can't sleep just on my side though, so I have pillows under my right side when I end up on my back. It was kind of tough the first couple nights, but its feeling more normal right now. I'm having more round ligament pain with exercise, which is kind of frustrating. It seems like if I concentrate on my breathing it goes away..

At 19 weeks, my uterus is about even with my belly button. When I go to the doctor tomorrow they'll start measuring. My bulge is getting a bit more prominent, though not too obvious. I do look pregnant now, but just because of the size of my stomach. I started looking for maternity clothes last week and thats proving quite a challenge.

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