Monday, October 18, 2010

New shoes

Allie has never really worn shoes. She's had several cute pairs since before she was born, but none of them ever fit! It made me sad because there were some really cute shoes she never got to wear.

But now that she's walking, Allie will need shoes to walk around outside! She's not supposed to wear shoes all the time though because walking barefoot helps develop the muscles in the foot.

Anyway, when we went to Goodwill on Saturday, we picked up this cute pair of pink crocs.

When she wore them at the pumpkin patch, she was fascinated by them. Try as she might, she couldn't get them off either. One of the side benefits to her wearing shoes will be that with shoes on she won't be able to take off her socks in the car! Every morning when we're driving to daycare, Allie takes her socks off. This morning we couldn't find them both and took her in the house with only one sock on.

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