Saturday, July 25, 2009

Annoying hormones... maybe I'm being punished

I'm so glad to have my new gym and get into a consistent fitness routine again, but I think I may have hit another set back. I think the hormone that relaxes the joints, relaxin, has hit the area of my stress fracture. I feel the soreness in the area and I'm just so disappointed. I walked on the treadmill today and I could feel it, not pain per se, but I knew it was there.

I'm not sure how or if I should change my workouts. I think spinning is still OK because its not weight-bearing. Swimming should be fine too. I'd like to do a little more though. I wanted to try some of the aerobics classes, but I guess those have to wait. Its getting to be such a struggle! I still want to try yoga and body flow, though I know I'll have to be careful with stretches in those classes because of that stupid relaxin.

Maybe I'm being punished for telling people as recently as last week that I was feeling great. I suppose overall I still am, but I have definitely entered the uncomfortable part of pregnancy.

Besides the stress fracture, I can feel my body getting more stiff and losing flexibility. My back stiffens up after workouts now and I'm not too sure how to prevent that. I also have a hard time stretching. I'm hoping I can work through that. I'm determined to keep working out!

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