Monday, October 12, 2009

Not bad, not bad at all

I finished Allie's name hanging for her room yesterday. It ended up bigger than I thought it would, but overall I'm really happy with it!

Now I just need to figure out how to hang it on the wall. I'm concerned it might be a little too heavy for just a single nail at the top, especially since there's not a stud in that area of the wall. I used to have a little picture-hanging kit with all sorts of gadgets, but I can't seem to find it right now. But I wasn't sure how I'd put the name together and I figured that out. So I will figure out how to hang it!

The wall hanging is sitting on our coffee table right now, because its too long for the kitchen table. Funny thing about this picture: When I went to take it, I had to bend over a bit because my big belly was in the picture!